Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Writers

Guru Granth Sahib ji contains writings of not only the ten Sikh Gurus but also writings of people who belonged to other faiths, namely Bhagats/saints like Kabir, sheikh fareed and many more.

a) Six Sikh Gurus, first Five (Guru Nanak dev ji, Guru angad dev ji, Guru Amar das ji, Guru Ram das ji, Guru Arjan dev ji) and ninth guru ji (Guru Teg bhadur ji).

b) 3 Sikhs (Bhai satta ji, Bhai Balwand ji and bhai Sundar ji).

c) 17 Bhatts :The Bhatts were a group of musicians who lived in the sixteenth century. All of them were scholars, poets and singers. (namely :Bhat Kal, Bhat Kalsehar, Bhat Tal, Bhat Jalup, Bhat Jal, Bhat Kirat, Bhat Sal, Bhat Bahil, Bhat Nal, Bhat Bhikha, Bhat Jalan, Bhat Kas, Bhat Gend, Bhat Sevak, Bhat Mathra, Bhat Bal and Bhat Harbans).

d)15 Bhagats (Kabir, Namdev,Ravidas,Sheikh Farid, Trilochan, Dhanna, Beni, Sheikh Bhikan, Jaidev,Surdas, Parmanand, Pipa, Ramanand, Sadhna, Sain).

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