Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Visit to Nagarkot, Kathmandu 2019

Mesmerizing visit to Nagarkot hill top. We felt nostalgic while seeing the Mount Everest with our own eyes.

Nagarkot, Nepal is famous for its Himalayan views- the Himalayan peaks at sunrise / Sunset are a magnificent sight to behold.

It is an outstanding hilltop that offers great views of Himalayas, breathtaking mountain scenery.

Nagarkot commands one of the broadest views of the Himalayas in the Kathmandu valley (8 Himalayan ranges of Nepal out of 13 from here). The ranges include Annapurna range, Manaslu range, Ganesh himal range, Langtang range, Jugal range, Rolwaling range, Mahalangur range (Everest range) and Numbur range with views of the Kathmandu valley and Shivapuri National Park.

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