Saturday, August 31, 2024

Geet First Speech in School Elections

Hi my name is Geet and i am running for student council treasurer! I think i would be the best for the job because i am responsible, and always try my hardest to make sure that the school is full of kindness , i  try to do my best to make the school better as a community, also i have some experience with leadership roles and other things,as last year I was in planet I hope that you have an awesome day and vote for me,not because i am a friend, but because you think i am the best fit for the job.i look forward to working with all of you in the future 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Interesting information on Bhagwan Krishna

On Krishna Janamashtmi 2024 

How Gurmat Literature refers to Lord Krishna?

Some information about Bhagwan Shri Krishna

1) Krishna was born *5252 years  ago* 
2) Date of *Birth* : *18 th July,3228 B.C*
3) Month : *Shravan*
4) Day :  *Ashtami*
5) Nakshatra : *Rohini*
6) Day : *Wednesday*
7) Time : *00:00 A.M.*
8) Shri Krishna *lived 125 years, 08 months & 07 days.*
9) Date of *Death* : *18th February 3102BC.*
10) When Krishna was *89 years old* ; the mega war *(Kurukshetra war)* took place. 
11) He died *36 years after the Kurukshetra* war.
12) Kurukshetra War was *started on Mrigashira Shukla Ekadashi, BC 3139. i.e "8th December 3139BC" and ended on "25th December, 3139BC".*  
12) There was a *Solar eclipse between "3p.m to 5p.m on 21st December, 3139BC" ; cause of Jayadrath's death.*
13) Bhishma died on *2nd February,(First Ekadasi of the Uttarayana), in 3138 B.C.*

14) Krishna  is worshipped as:
(a)Krishna *Kanhaiyya* : *Mathura*
(b) *Jagannath*:- In *Odisha*
(c) *Vithoba*:- In *Maharashtra*
(d) *Srinath*:  In *Rajasthan*
(e) *Dwarakadheesh*: In *Gujarat*
(f) *Ranchhod*: In *Gujarat*
(g) *Krishna* : *Udupi in Karnataka*
h) *Guruvayurappan in Kerala*

15) *Bilological Father*: *Vasudeva*
16) *Biological Mother*: *Devaki*
17) *Adopted Father*:- *Nanda*
18) *Adopted Mother*: *Yashoda*
19 *Elder Brother*: *Balaram*
20) *Sister*: *Subhadra*
21) *Birth Place*: *Mathura*
22) *Wives*: *Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadra, Lakshmana*

23) Krishna is reported to have *Killed only 4 people* in his life time. 
 (a)He killed Poothana at his childhood.
(b) *Chanoora* ; the Wrestler
(c) *Kansa* ; his maternal uncle
(d) *Shishupaala and Dantavakra* ; his cousins.
24) Life was not fair to him at all. His *mother* was from *Ugra clan*, and *Father* from *Yadava clan,* inter-racial marriage. 
25) He was *born dark skinned.* He was not named at all throughout his life. The whole village of Gokul started calling him the black one ; *Kanha*. He was ridiculed and teased for being black, short and adopted too. His childhood was wrought with life threatening situations.
26) *'Drought' and "threat of wild wolves" made them shift from 'Gokul' to 'Vrindavan' at the age 9.*
27) He stayed in Vrindavan *till 10 years and 8 months*. He killed his own uncle at the age of  10 years and 8 months at Mathura.He then released  his biological mother and father. 
28) He *never returned to Vrindavan ever again.*
29) He had to *migrate to Dwaraka from Mathura due to threat of a Sindhu King ;  Kala Yaavana.*
30) He *defeated 'Jarasandha' with the help of 'Vainatheya' Tribes on Gomantaka hill (now Goa).*
31) He *rebuilt Dwaraka*. 
32) He then *left to Sandipani's Ashram in Ujjain* to start his schooling at age 16~18. 
33) He had to *fight the pirates from Afrika and rescue his teachers son ;  Punardatta*;  who *was kidnapped near Prabhasa* ; a sea port in Gujarat. 
34) After his education, he came to know about his cousins fate of Vanvas. He came to their rescue in ''Wax house'' and later his cousins got married to *Draupadi.* His role was immense in this saga. 
35) Then, he helped his cousins  establish Indraprastha and their Kingdom.

36) He *saved Draupadi from embarrassment.*

37) He *stood by his cousins during their exile.*
38) He stood by them and *made them win the Kurushetra war.*

39) He *saw his cherished city, Dwaraka washed away.* 
40) He was *killed by a hunter (Jara by name)* in nearby forest. 

41) His life was not full of successes. There was not a single moment when he was at peace throughout his life. At every turn, he had challenges and even more bigger challenges. 

42) He *faced everything and everyone with a sense of responsibility and yet remained unattached.*

43)  He is the *only person, who knew the past and future ; yet he lived at that present moment always.*

44) He and his life is truly *an example for every human being.*🌷🙏🏻

*Jai  Shri Krishna*🙏

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Ornamental use of Nanak Shahi bricks in my village home

Front wall decorated with now ornamental but 200 years old bricks

Rebuilding our ancestral village house has been a deeply meaningful project, blending the old with the new while honoring the memories of those who lived there before. The decision to use 20 dumpers of good earth to level the two-level house was a hard task after the old house was bulldozed to make it ready to support the new structure. Yet, the heart of this renovation was actually in meticulous preservation and storage of the old Nanak Shahi bricks.

The fired bricks in olden days were manufactured by placing the green bricks made of mud in the kilns to convert the loose earth into a strong, hard, full of strength, non-porosity and stable against moisture times. As the time passes, years after years they keep getting more hardened. It was easy to manipulate their sizes with modern powered tools. Hence the finished looks marvelous.

These bricks, once part of the original dwelling, carry with them the history of our family—our grandmother, father, and uncle, who spent their prime years farming and maintaining the land while dwelling in this old about 200 years old house. By cutting these bricks in the middle with a powered saw, grinding them down, and using their freshly cut side in front was a rare skill. It was used as an ornamental feature on the front wall of the house. 

we expertly integrated the past into the present. The final touch of wax polishing not only gives the bricks a glittering look but also symbolizes the care and reverence with which we’ve preserved them.

Living Room highlighted

Each brick, now a shimmering piece of the new house, holds within it the breath and memories of our loved ones. This thoughtful preservation serves as a constant reminder of their presence, their hard work, and the life they built, creating a living tribute that keeps their spirit alive in the home.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Purpose of Life Is To Sing’ - Shivpreet

Shivpreet in deep thoughts.

A leading modern-day spiritually motivated singing preacher, Shivpreet, has made a profound impact through his dedication to Gurbani Kirtan. Shivpreet has truly established himself as a Gurbani singing, on par with any professional in the field. His journey from a young teenager, passionately dedicated to singing Gurbani, to now being internationally recognized and invited for Kirtan performances, is nothing short of remarkable. A few of his perfornances are numerated below:

Defence Colony New Delhi 2022

What sets Shivpreet apart is not just his exceptional skill but also his unwavering commitment to the true spirit of Gurbani. 

He has made a solemn pledge never to charge for his service of singing Gurbani. This pledge is a testament to his deep-seated belief in the selfless nature of this sacred act. Whatever is offered to him as a traditional gesture of appreciation is immediately donated, reflecting his humility and dedication to the principles of Sikhism.

Being awarded by Sardarni Gursharan Kaur w/o Dr Manmohan Singh former Prime Minister of India in Bhai Vir Sigh Sahitya Sadan New Delhi, Mar 2024.

Moreover, Shivpreet’s unique approach to Kirtan—blending traditional Gurbani with explanations in a contemporary, American style—has resonated with a global audience. This modern interpretation of age-old wisdom has not only captivated Sikhs but also attracted people of various religious backgrounds. 

Bhai Vir Singh Sadan Amritsar in Apr 2023

Amritsar Airport welcome

‘The Purpose of Life Is To Sing’ - Shivpreet

Through social media, his reach has expanded across continents, connecting people from diverse cultures to the teachings of Gurbani.

Sikh Lens in Los Angeles Ca 

Irvine Ca

It’s clear that Shivpreet’s impact is not just in the words he sings but in the lives he touches. His ability to spread the message of Gurbani in a way that is both accessible and profound has made a lasting impression on many. 

San Jose, Ca with celebrated Veena player Rajhesh Vaidya

His pride in his achievements is well-founded, as he continues to carry forward the legacy of Gurbani with such sincerity and dedication.

Khals College Gurdwara Amritsar 2023

As he moves forward in his journey, it is your heartfelt wish that Waheguru continues to bless him with good health and the strength to keep serving humanity. 

New Jercey

His work is not just about music; it’s about spreading light and wisdom to those who seek it. The world is a better place with his voice in it, and I, my wife Harvinder and Shivpreet’s wife Dashminder are rightfully proud to have shared in such a meaningful experience with him.

Proud Moment with my Kid and Grand Kids Aug 2013

Joining our grandkids, Gobind and Jania, along with Shiv for a Kirtan performance in the Gurdwara was a deeply proud and significant moment for me and my family..


Matha Teko before Sri Guru Granth Sahib

In the Sikh tradition, the act of "Matha Teko" involves bowing down in reverence before the Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious scripture of Sikhism, regarded as the eternal Guru. This ritual is deeply symbolic, reflecting not just a physical act of respect, but also a spiritual submission to the divine wisdom enshrined in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Aug 24, 2021

For young Sikhs like Geet, performing this ritual before leaving for school is more than a simple routine; it is a foundational practice that aligns their day with the teachings of Sikhism. By bowing before Sri Guru Granth Sahib, they are metaphorically placing themselves under the guidance and protection of the Guru. This act of humility serves as a reminder to start the day with a focus on righteousness, ethical living, and a commitment to learn and grow in all aspects of life.

The ritual also encourages meditation and mindfulness. This practice fosters a habit of remaining calm and composed, whether in the classroom, at home, or in any other situation they might encounter throughout the day.

Moreover, "Matha Teko" serves as a moment of personal reflection, where one seeks the Almighty's permission and blessing to embark on their daily journey. This act symbolizes a connection between the individual and the divine, guiding them to walk on the righteous path of humanity. It instills values such as humility, discipline, and a commitment to living a life in accordance with Sikh teachings.

Geet and her older siblings Gobind and Jania have meticulously followed this practice of starting their day with ‘Matha Teko’

Friday, August 23, 2024

Beautiful Big Family Pic Sans My family

The most publicised group photo on Leena Hardeep 25th.

Ah, I see now. So, despite everyone's best efforts, Dari wasn't able to make it to the photo shoot in time but arriving a few seconds late due to the acute back-pain spasm. As a result, the family photo ended up being taken without our family in it. It was a bit disappointing, especially since I and Shiv were there, witnessing the moment unfold but unable to join in due to the circumstances. 

Those small moments and missed opportunities can linger in our memories, often carrying a mix of emotions.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Geet Bun Nanas in 2015

Geet excited to pick up "Bun Nanas" from our back yard. She presumes this snake cucumber is her fav banana.

Geet, full of childlike enthusiasm, eagerly runs to the backyard, her tiny hands reaching out for what she believes to be her favorite treat—bananas. The garden has produced a peculiar vegetable this season: snake cucumbers. To young Geet's innocent eyes, these long, curvy cucumbers bear a striking resemblance to the bananas she loves so much. 

As she clutches the cucumber, she calls it "Bun Nanas," her version of "bananas." At just a year old, Geet is still learning to differentiate between the shapes and textures of different fruits and vegetables. Her excitement is endearing, a sweet reminder of the simple joys and curiosities of childhood, where the world is still full of delightful surprises.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Thank you note to LeenaHardeep on their 25th

Sep 21, 2024

Awesome party Hardeep & Leena!!!
Thank you so much for inviting us to celebrate your 25th wedding anniversary in Napa! Very fortunate to be part of this special milestone of your celebration surrounded by love and beautiful memories.
It was nice to meet all family together after long time.
Congratulations to all family!!
With all my love and best wishes🤗💕



Dear Leena and Hardeep,

I echo everything Dari has expressed so beautifully. It was truly a memorable evening, celebrating the 25 years of love, commitment, and shared life experiences that you both have nurtured so wonderfully. The event was a testament to the deep bond you share with each other.

Your journey together over the past quarter-century has not only strengthened your relationship but also created a loving home for your three wonderful children in Nihal, Saheb and Heer. Seeing the joy and pride in their eyes is a reflection of the strong foundation you’ve built as parents and partners. Waheguru ji has indeed blessed you both, and I pray that His blessings continue to surround you and your family as you journey through the next chapters of your life together.

My heartfelt congratulations also go out to Mohinder Kaur Bhenji, Ambu Bhenji, and Amrit ji. Their love and support have clearly played a significant role in this beautiful journey.

With lots of love, warm hugs, and heartfelt blessings!


Thank you Mamaji, Mamiji and bobi massi for your beautiful measages
Your blessings and wishes mean a lot. We are truly blessed to be showered with so much love. May we never forget Waheguru ji in sukh (and dukh) continue on our paths with utmost humility and graciousness🙏



Thank you Mamiji and Mamaji for your wishes and beautiful note. Well said and appreciate the blessings and guidance through out these years.


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jania Departs for higher studies

Jania Kapoor on her High School Graduation party

Today, Jania has left home to pursue her higher studies at the University of California, Merced. She is focusing on strengthening her advanced skills in preparation for tougher medical competition that lies ahead. The whole family—Shiv, Shilpy, Gobind, and Geet—drove 100 miles to drop her off at her dorm on the new campus. This room in the dorm is supposed to be occupied by two more girls who will join her in a couple of days. Until then, she has to bravely face the world alone.

Campus Entrance

She is on 3rd Floor on this Dorm

Room entry

Harvinder and me however went to San Jose to attend Raakhi in Jaggi Pammi place for celebrations as the kids were scheduled as per University demands to drop Jania at her Dormy as Geet calls it.

Jania picks up this Bunk bed with a desk laid underneath option. The other two are bunk bed and separate desks on the side. She preferred to remain with in her peripheries. A fresher and a third year student are other two partners who will share this room with her.

The other two beds

For years, I had teased Jania, saying that when she left for college, I would be crying, feeling left behind without her. However, the day before her departure, I asked her to sit by my side, and we looked each other in the eye. I told her clearly that I would never cry anymore because I am proud of her. She is going out into the world as a warrior and will surely return victorious with flying colors.

Cozy sitting in her desk

Despite this, I can't help but miss her in the quiet of our house. Even though she was always in the corner of her room, often without making any noise, her absence is deeply felt.

The campus

The Laundry

The caffetaria!

The Tennis Courts

Here is a wonderful promise from Jania. Her calm determination will be a great asset as she works toward her goals. It’s clear she has the strength and focus to succeed in whatever she sets her mind to.

Movie time with Grandparents Aug 2012

Movie Time with GPs.

'The Odd Life of Timothy Green' is an American fantasy drama film directed by Peter Hedges.
 Green (Jennifer Garner) and Jim Green (Joel Edgerton) are unable to conceive, so they bury all their wishes for a child in a box in their backyard. The following day they wake up to find a ten year old child, Timothy (CJ Adams), on their doorstep, but the child is not all that he appears to be.

Black hawk sighting 2019

Lucky to get a close up snap of a Black Hawk with a white beard.

I was fortunate to capture a close-up photograph of a Black Hawk with a striking white beard, a rare and fascinating sight. These birds are usually elusive, making such a close encounter quite special.

The area we live in, where Black Hawks are a protected species, is likely a haven for wildlife conservation. Black Hawks, particularly in regions like yours, are often safeguarded due to their critical role in maintaining the ecological balance. They are top predators, playing a crucial part in controlling the population of smaller animals, which in turn helps maintain the health of the ecosystem.

The white beard on the Black Hawk adds an unusual and distinguished feature to this majestic bird, making it stand out even more. This trait could be due to a unique genetic variation, age-related changes, or simply the play of light and shadows against its dark feathers. Such an image not only captures the beauty of the bird but also highlights the importance of preserving these creatures in their natural habitats.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A memorable lunch at Eiffel Tower

During our visit to France in 2016, we decided to have a historic lunch at the '58 Tour Eiffel' tower restaurant. This renowned dining establishment offers a unique experience, being situated on the first floor of the iconic Eiffel Tower. 

The restaurant is open all day, providing various dining options, including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, drinks in the lounge bar, and dinner.

The ground floor lounge offers a relaxed menu, transforming into a lounge bar in the evening where guests can enjoy the sunset in a more intimate ambiance, complete with background music. 

Meanwhile, the dining room on the first floor serves an accessible family lunchtime menu that later transitions to refined cuisine in a more hushed and sophisticated atmosphere for dinner. But we opted for lunch as we wanted to avoid extreme cold conditions for which we were not obviously prepared due to limited 

We were fortunate enough to secure a booking for lunch on November 29, 2016. It was a memorable dining experience, enhanced by the stunning views of Paris from the Eiffel Tower. 

Our lunch included a fresh green salad, a hearty vegetable soup, and delicious Italian pasta. The combination of the exquisite food, the historic location, and the breathtaking views made it a truly unforgettable meal.