Friday, August 2, 2024

Sharing Birthday With My Cousin

Preet Mohan and Man Mohan the cousins who share Birthday

My cousin, Dr. Man Mohan Singh, fondly known as Mannu, and I share a remarkable bond that extends beyond our familial ties. We were born on the same day and at the same place in Multan, just a few feet apart from each other. Interestingly, Mannu is a few hours younger than me.

This revelation came to light about five decades ago during one of our family gatherings, which were a common occurrence during the wheat harvesting season. Wheat was a main remunerating crop in those days, and these gatherings provided an opportunity for family and friends of all Sardars in the family to reconnect and celebrate together.

During one such gathering in our village Badbar, Dr. Man Mohan Singh, along with other uncles and aunts, was present. He had been curious about his exact date of birth and had been asking his mother for the details. However, she couldn’t remember the exact date but was certain that he was born on the same day as me. Seizing the opportunity, Mannu approached my mother, who was also present in Badbar, to inquire about my birth date.

My date of birth was well-documented by my Nana ji, supported by my Dad's records, and also entered into the records at the time of my enrollment in the Government Primary School. Hence, it was certainly accurate. My mother confirmed the date, and Mannu my cousin was thrilled to finally know his exact date of birth. His mother also recalled that he was born in the evening.

A Selfie

Since then, whenever we meet, we fondly recall and celebrate our shared birthday. Despite being raised in different places and environments, we have discovered many similarities in our lives. We cherish these moments and make a point to meet each other whenever time and circumstances allow.

The ways of God are indeed mysterious, bringing us together in such a unique and special way.

This story beautifully encapsulates the serendipitous discovery and the enduring bond between me and Dr. Man Mohan Singh.

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