Sunday, August 25, 2013

Field Trip to Mt Diablo and subsequent Fire on east side.

The Majestic Summit of Mt Diablo

Double pivoted Mt Diablo as Freeway 680 cuts through lower ranges of surrounding  rolling hills.

Taco food satisfaction

Shiv decided to give a treat of Summer Vacations to G&J. As we set aside to embark for the Summit Journey, it was decided to have lunch as the kids may not get any thing of their choice to eat there. So we went to Taco Bell and kids enjoyed their favorite food to their fill.

The Visiter's observatory under development and closed to Public

It was really wonderful and only half hour drive from home. The summit is double pivoted  and It is an isolated upthrust peak of 3,864 feet (1,178 m), majestically 
visible from most of the San Francisco Bay Area and much of northern California.

Another Panoramic view from the Summit.

From the Golden Gate to the Farallon Islands, from the High Sierra to the Central Valley—this is the sweeping panorama you can savor from atop Mount Diablo. 

Pacific in the background.

Geographers claim that hikers can see more of the earth’s surface from the top of Mount Diablo than from any other peak in the world with only one exception: Africa’s legendary 19,340-foot Mt. Kilimanjaro. 

Shiv having a look at the vast Panorama of North and East San Francisco.

The far-reaching panorama from Mount Diablo is all the more impressive considering the mountain’s relatively short (elevation 3,849 feet) height.

Two reasons for the grand views: (1) the mountain rises solo very abruptly from its surroundings, and (2) the land surrounding the mountain—the San Franciso Bay and Central Valley—is nearly flat. 

Jania's head was turning circles.

Feeling drowsy due to sudden height 

Today the park consists of some 19,000 acres of oak woodland, grassland and chaparral. Stands of knobcone and Coulter pine, as well as scattered digger pine, are found all over the mountain. 

Concord on left, Vallejo bridge and WW discarded ships stranded in the Pacific, seen on the right. Martinez, Pittsburgh,  and  Antioch.

Jania was scared of Helicopter flies had to be carried in Shiv's lap

Mount Diablo boasts some fine trails but the state park is primarily oriented to the automobile. Something of the majesty of conquering Diablo is lost for hikers when they’re joined at the top by dozens of visitors stepping from their cars. 

Father and Som duo at the Summit

The roads, retaining walls, bridges and observatory was developed in the Great Recession period to provide work to the Jobless on this 90, 000.00 sq miles area.

A view of Mt. Diablo in the background of 205 Sherwood Ct from our neighbors balcony

Sep 9, 2013

A vegetation fire broke out since yesterday evening and has engulfed 1500 Acres on east side as shown below:

Due to bad air quality we had a notice from the Principal of the Live Oak Elimentry School reproduced below:

Parents of LO students,

 We wanted to update you that we will have our afternoon PE classes and recesses indoors today. There is some soot coming down and we are taking precautionary measures in light of the fire on Mt. Diablo. We appreciate all the calls and have been working with our district office today to monitor the situation. Your student's health is of the utmost importance to us.

Have a wonderful afternoon,


 Nadine Rosenzweig


About 3700 acres of land was raged in fire and was only 20 % contained. 

Dennis Rein, an information officer for the Moraga-Orinda Fire District, said 250 firefighters had been on the line overnight and were being replaced Monday morning with 700 new firefighters. Crews are gathering at Camp Parks in Dublin and are arriving from all over the region and California, he said.

Camp Parks is just in our back yard about two-three miles down.

Sept 10, 2013, 6.30 AM
As per ABC news bulletin at 6.40 am in the morning,  3400 Acres were effected and the Fire Department was able to contain 45% of the fire by working 24 hours.
 Not Hot today, it is forecasted to drizzle tonight. I think God will help now.
        TV Shot of today 9/10
Sept 11, 2013
The fire is 70 % contained today morning.
TV Shot today morning 9/11
Sep 17, 2013
Mt Diablo State Park has reopened today after more than 3000 Acres were burnt totaling a loss of $ 4.5 Millions.

Fire Fatigue

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