Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day Team 2015

Shilpy brought out this idea from one of the Dr Seuss books on children. She customized the shirts which included Thing Grandpa, Thing Grandma, Thing Dad, Thing Mom and Thing 1, 2, and 3.

Thing One and Thing Two are two characters from 'The Cat in the Hat' book by famous American Writer Dr Seuss. They were released from the box that the cat brought in to show to Conard, Sally, and the fish as played in the show. The things caused mischief by flying kites in the house which bumps the wall and also knocking down everything in their path. Conrad was able to stop the things with a net. They were also taken away by the Cat who put them back in the box as they appear in the tv series.

Putting on the shirts charged the atmosphere and changed the house into hilarious town. Geet joined the party with broadest smile is evidently clear from the pictures below.

Happy Fathers Day!

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