Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bhagat Puran Singh and our family

Bhagat Puran Singh has always been an extraordinary figure in my life, someone I deeply respect and admire for his selfless service and unwavering dedication to humanity. Universally regarded as one of the most inspiring figures in modern Sikhi, his life’s work has touched countless lives. From setting up Pingalwara, a home for the physically and mentally disabled, to his environmental advocacy long before it became a global concern, his contributions are unparalleled. Despite having no formal higher education, his scholarship and writings reveal a profound connection with the Guru that continues to inspire generations.

I find it remarkable that Bhagat Puran Singh was born as Ramji Das in Ludhiana district to a humble family. His journey into Sikhi was triggered by an experience that still resonates deeply with me. As a teenager, he stayed in a mandir during his travels and was treated with disdain by the Brahmins, who made him clean the temple and ate in front of him without offering him food. Later, at a Gurdwara, he experienced seva for the first time. Not only was he given shelter without demands, but he was also offered food and even a warm glass of milk by the sevadars. This stark contrast moved him to embrace Sikhi and dedicate his life to seva.

His work at Pingalwara stands as a testament to his deep compassion and tireless efforts for those in need. For decades, Bhagat Puran Singh served humanity selflessly, educating people about pollution, deforestation, and the importance of environmental stewardship. He even returned his Padma Shri in protest after the attack on Darbar Sahib in 1984, a powerful act that underscored his unwavering commitment to the Khalsa Panth.

I feel proud that my family and our extended family from Mohalla Aghapura Multan have supported Pingalwara generously over the years. My father believed strongly in donating to this cause, as did my in-laws, who both willed contributions to Pingalwara. Harvinder and I have continued this tradition, donating regularly to support the incredible work started by Bhagat Puran Singh. It is an honor to contribute, even in a small way, to a mission that reflects the very essence of Sikhi: seva, compassion, and care for all.

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