Friday, September 6, 2013

Visit To Appenzell Switzerland in March 2002

The village of Appenzell and the Canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden are situated in a singularly beautiful landscape of rolling hills. The region is known for rural customs and traditions such as the ceremonial discent of the cattle in autumn and cultural events such as folk music and rustic dances, as well as hiking tours in the Aipstein region.
We also found a huge collection of wood on shape of lengthy logs erected on one another and the villagers will make a huge camp fire one of the days. This reminded me of our Lohri Festival.

Vast and Panoramic Rolling Hills

Vast and Panoramic Rolling Hills

Vast and Panoramic Rolling Hills

The visible famous trails

Visit to Cheese factory

The colorful statue of a cow

Cheese being manufactured

Appenzeller Cheese

Vast and Panoramic Rolling Hills

Vast and Panoramic Rolling Hills

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