Sunday, May 11, 2014

Head Bath

It is really a hurriculean task to give a head bath to Gobind. With him growing fast, his hair has not lagged behind and are good 4 feet long.

Grandma is very keen that Gobind & Jania get the head bath very regularly as without which they would get sick.

To make things straight, Harvinder has scheduled Thursday evenings - their swimming day for head bath. So Harvinder and Shilpy or only Shilpy will accompany them for their swimming classes and after the swimming, the head bath ritual is followed.

It is all good for Jania but Gobind finds ways to circumvent the ritual. He would find ways to put it off with one excuse or the other. Harvinder warns if Gobind does not have head bath, all sorts of sickness will fall on him.

Gobind playing handball with his open hair getting dried

But this is not a new story, Shiv in his younger days was also very tough to handle when it was the turn of head bath.  It was always on Sundays. Harvinder recalls it was much easier to manage Shiv.

I also remember my Mom used to get hard time from me on every Sunday. Once, during the summer vacations, I might have been 8 years old, accompanied my Grandma to Shimla to spend two months there. My Mom refused to allow me to accompany her.  She sternly put her foot down that I can not go as I would not take hair bath and get sick. Finally my Dad intervened and convinced my Mum to let me go. I promised to get my hair bath very regularly. I did so reluctantly though.

My Dad would write a letter every week to my uncle to enquire if I had the Sunday hair bath or not. And my uncle will press me to take hair bath as he had to reply my Dad. So I took the head bath regularly and hence remained healthy and my Mom was so satisfied that she had kept me healthy by remotely forcing me head bath.

So we have a trend to take head bath to keep healthy and moving. Even when my iPhone went dead, as it will not get recharged because the cable head will refuse to enter charging slot. I did everything to fix my self but it would not charge. Being addicted I remained without its services for more than 20 hours. 

I had to go the Apple Store feeling I would have new phone as it was still under warrantee. Fortunately I was able to get an on spot appoinent. The engineer at the store examined the phone critically and with one of the tools, he took out the accumulated dust from with in the charging head. The phone was rectified quickly and started charging.

As I reached home, Shilpy asked what  was the wrong with phone? I replied back that it needed a Head Bath. To this Shiv head a hearty laugh as he had seen the repairs being done.

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