Monday, June 9, 2014

Learning Reading Lessons

During the last 4-5 days, Jania has been glued to reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3) the third novel in the Harry Potter series, written by J. K. Rowling. She would not listen to warnings and would rather continue to read without glasses and in dark conditions. She would be ready to sacrifice any of her favorite things but prefer to read. This is her 3rd Book to read.

Reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas. The process of recording information to be read later is writing. In the case of computer and micro chip storage there is the separate step of displaying the written text. For humans, reading is usually faster and easier than writing. 

Reading forms are:

  • Subvocalized Reading combines sight reading with internal sounding of the words as if spoken. Advocates of speed reading claim it can be a bad habit that slows reading and comprehension, but other studies indicate the reverse, particularly with difficult texts.
  • Spead Reading is a collection of methods for increasing reading speed without an unacceptable reduction in comprehension or retention.   
  •  Proofreading is a kind of reading for the purpose of detecting typographical errors. 
  • Rereading is like reading a book more than once. A paper published in the Journal of Consumer Research (Cristel Antonia (2012)) found re-reading offers mental health benefits because it allows for a more profound emotional connection and self-reflection, versus the first reading which is more focused on the events and plot.
We are in fact very happy on her attaining this new habit of serious book reading. She is an ardent fan of Liabrary though and frequently enjoys reading small books at Barnes & Nobles. Her sudden twist to serious reading has thrilled us.

Jania reading a book on the Breakfast Table.

The books scattered all over in her room as below:

Today She is packed up and ready to return the book to the Liabrary. I called her to ask her a few questions. First She got scared as was in no mood to answer any questions on the stuff included in the book.

But my question was different. I was keen to know if She had really gone through the book page by page and line by line without skipping any thing.

To this She replied a curt No. She did skip a few lines. About 100 of them to be fare about it caws her elaborated answer. Then she opened out and told me further that there are 439 pages and had read  more than 300 pages really thoroughly. Explaining further, she found the first 100 pages boring, second & third hundreds were exciting and the final hundreds were at the climax. I was wonderstruck by her observation of her own reading. I was sure now that Jania had learned a lot by reading a book completely to the finish.

Gobind reading The a History of The Modern World.

Gobind Jania lost in reading on a lovely morning

Reading books and writing are among brain-stimulating activities shown to slow down cognitive decline in old age, with people who participated in more mentally stimulating activities over their lifetimes having a slower rate of decline in memory and other mental capacities. 

In other words I am helping myself to slowdown Cognitive decline of my old age by participating with my kids readings and regularly Rereading my Sikh religion Scriptures by rereading pages of Sri Guru Granth Sahib everyday.

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