Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hijra Dance

The Hijra Dancing is one of the most important rituals in our culture. The same group has been visiting us since the time my Dad and Uncle bought this house in Jangpura Extension in 1954.

After the Bhog of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and 'Dastar Bandhi' of me and my cousin Roop followed by Langar, these persons just landed from no where and caught hold of my Dad and forced him to dance with them. The more my Dad would try to get rid of them, the more there was laughter among the family members who are not supposed to help him get escape from their clutches. 

Dad heaved a sigh of relief when they started searching for my Chacha Ji Inderjit Singh who was smart enough to sneak through the crowd and got himself hidden in near by house of by my aunt Bai Ji. 

Finally they left after getting a handsome booty.

Same persons came to dance at the time  of my wedding in 1972 and then at the time of Shiv's Birth in 1975. Every time they would enhance the booty. Being an upscale locality, their demands were higher.

They made a great show at the time of Shiv's wedding. We had by now settled in USA and the demands also increased many times matching the value of Rupee vis-a-vis American Dollar. They went back happily after getting gold Jewelry, a pashmina Shawl being used by Harvinder and good amount of money.

I have a view that having no other means of earning as no government employees them. These persons have not been granted civic rights, it becomes important for the Society to help them grow and pass their lives peacefully. These persons must be compensated, for they give us back in the farm of wishes, cheerfulness and blessings at the time of our good and happy times. We were therefore more than glad to offer them whatever they demanded.

At the time of birth of our grand son, they waited for months to come again when all of us visited from California along with a year old Gobind in 2004. They would not settle less than a Gold Chain and many imported clothes being used by Harvinder herself.

Now was the time of wedding of Harry. Tejpal and Tipi had done elaborate arrangements for chain of functions they had scheduled for.


Now the brand new Black fur coat worn by Harvinder was taken away as a gift as they will not settle for any thing less than that. We knew no body could help Harvinder.

Demand being placed to Harry while Harleen looks on a bit startingly.

Tejpal could not escape from their wrath but was not shy and danced well. Tipi and Tejpal offered huge gifts and money.
They left very happily with the blessings that they 'll again visit in a years time to celebrate a new baby.

This old person on Dholak also confirmed to have visited us when Shiv was born. These guys waited for more than three months for our arrival from Kathmandu. 

Incidentally same group visits in Jangpura and Lajpat Nagar.

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