Friday, May 24, 2024

Geet in Covid Times 2020

Amid the ongoing lockdown, the house is filled with the sounds of distant rain tapping against the windows. Geet, a curious and energetic 6-year-old, finds herself wanting to communicate with her mom. Her mom, however, is deeply engrossed in her work-from-home responsibilities, with her office door closed to minimize distractions.

Determined to get her message across, Geet carefully writes a note. She thinks of a clever way to grab her mom's attention without interrupting her too much. Geet slides the note under the closed door, hoping it will reach her mom swiftly.

"She wants the answer right away unless the rain stops and distracts her venture," indicates urgency. Geet knows her mom is focused now, but if the rain stops, it might provide a brief, welcome distraction from her work.

Geet waits eagerly, hoping her mom will read the note soon and provide the answer she needs before the rain ceases and potentially shifts her mom's attention elsewhere.

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