Monday, July 22, 2024

Shivs Joyful Ploughing Badbar Farms

It was winter, a crucial time for transplanting seedlings in Badbar Farms, Punjab. Typically, seedlings are initially cultivated in a nursery for about forty days before being transferred to the fields. While some regions practice direct sowing, transplanting is preferred for its significantly higher yield. Paddy, in particular, demands utmost attention and regular maintenance to ensure a bountiful harvest.

In the winter of 2016, Shiv found himself at our Badbar farms. The sight of the vast, fertile land inspired him to partake in the agricultural activities. Without hesitation, Shiv hopped into the driver's seat of our trusted Swaraj tractor. With a sense of pride and excitement, he began the tilling process, expertly maneuvering the tractor across the fields.

The coincidence of Shiv's visit during this pivotal agricultural season turned into a moment of joyous fulfillment. Ploughing his own fields, Shiv felt a deep connection to the land and our farming heritage. The experience not only brought back memories of our family's farming traditions but also reinforced the importance of hands-on involvement in nurturing the crops.

The sight of Shiv tilling the fields with the Swaraj tractor was a heartwarming reminder of our agricultural roots and the joy that comes from working the land. It was a fulfilling and proud moment, highlighting the continuity of our family's farming legacy in Badbar, Punjab.

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