Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Todays Message Of Kindness and Empathy To My Kiddos

Dear Gobind, dear Jania and dear Geet,

I hope this letter finds you well and happy. There are some important lessons I have learnt in my life time, I want to share with you below:


These values are essential in creating a loving and supportive family and ultimately this world. I chalange you to believe the above as they will help you grow into compassionate and thoughtful individuals.

1. If a joke makes fun of someone, it's not funny.

Humor should bring joy, not hurt. Jokes that make fun of others can cause embarrassment and sadness. Always remember, if a joke hurts someone, it’s not funny. Let’s use our words to uplift and encourage each other, not to bring anyone down.

2. If a game excludes someone, it's not a game.

Games are meant to be fun for everyone involved. When we exclude someone, it can make them feel lonely and unimportant. Let’s always include others in our games and activities, making sure everyone feels welcome and valued.

3. If a prank hurts someone, it's not amusing.

Pranks can be fun, but only if they don’t hurt anyone physically or emotionally. If a prank causes pain or distress, it’s not funny. Let’s be mindful of others’ feelings and ensure our fun doesn’t come at someone else’s expense.

4. If a conversation talks about someone who isn’t present, it’s not appropriate.

Talking about someone behind their back can be hurtful and unfair. It can damage trust and friendships. If we have something to say, let’s say it directly and honestly. This way, we can maintain integrity and respect in our relationships.

5. If love is conditional, it’s not love.

True love is unconditional. It means loving and accepting someone for who they are, without expecting anything in return. Let’s strive to show unconditional love to one another, offering support and care no matter what.


These lessons look to be simple but powerful and hence donot ignore them. If you inculcate these habits, You will be able to contribute to a more compassionate and respectful world. Do not forget, our actions and words have the power to impact others, so let’s choose kindness and empathy in everything we do.

I love you all very much and am so proud of the kind and thoughtful people you are becoming.

With all my love,

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