Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Watching Them Growing!

I can not stop the time, in fact no when can. But yes! We can record them and reproduce as per our will. The journey has been tough though. Here is my attempt to capture a few moments.

We are in the most fortunate time of our life when we can enjoy watching our grand kids growing and developing new skills every now and then.

Both of us are working hard to add value to the course of development of our lovely kids. The best part is that they listen to us most of the time.

At this stage of life, there has been phenomenal Achaements in their activities. We continue to work towards development of their personal skills and activities rigorously.

It gives a big thrill and satisfaction to us when we see them biking, swimming, knitting, cooking, gardening or learning a new language. While Shiv continues to watch and help them on Piano and Cello classes.

But at times, it becomes really hard when we have to divert their attention from their favorite activities like TV watching, gaming and doing computer stuff. 

Getting harsh at them at times in the process is painful but the good thing is the kids forget all this next moment but our pain carries on for long time.

I am reminded of a beautiful poem written by Kay Theese


Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow what you will be.
You come from within, from just beneath my heart.
its there you'll always be, though your own life will now start.

I know sometimes to you I seem so harsh and so unfair,
But one day you will see, I taught you well as I care

You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear,
For all your dreams and goals sit before you very near

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