Friday, April 28, 2017

Geet Kiddy Talks

Geet glued to the TV

Geet normally refuses to respond to any conversation in Hindi or Punjabi. We have been trying our best to teach her a few Gurbani words which she is extremely reluctant to grasp.

As I usually take her to Baba jI room for daily ritual, one day I told her repeat after me, 'Satnam Waheguru' in a melodious tune. She immediately reacted by saying 'Ba Ba Black Sheep... humming in the same tune. I repeated it four times and she followed in the same fashion. She refused to 'Satnam Waheguru'

Today she was comfortably sitting in the lap of Gamma who was enjoying her regular favorite TV Serial. During one of the scenes, there was a harsh discussions between two lady character all in Hindi. Suddenly she questioned Gamma why the lady in the serial was angry and annoyed with the other one.

The smart girl was able to find out from the gestures that one of them was angry with other. She was understanding some part of conversation but refused to admit and follow Hindi

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