Monday, October 15, 2018

Geet full of Compassion and Empathy

Yesterday when Geet was pressing to sleep in our bed, she jumped on the bed to take the middle space usually assigned to her. 

Suddenly I find two vertical scratches on her left cheeck. The scratches were clearly visible just under the eye but not too deep. I got worried and started rebuking our dog Simba who surely must have used his Paws to cajole her. That stupid act was animal oriented and must have damaged her even. I got little worried and sad.

Seeing me sad, Geet became so much compassionate and full of empathy. She started rather consoling me saying, "Dada you do not get sad, I will be alright tomorrow morning, do not you worry at all, Dada" 

The compassion in Geet really impressed me!

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