Wednesday, September 13, 2023

My 3rd colonoscopy

Tired but relieved after the procedure, enjoying my favorite ‘Parontha’ after one and a half days of strict liquid diet.

I was due for a routine test of colonoscopy last year in 2022. I undertook the hard preparation for the test procedure for two days prior to my day of test. But due to spike in my Blood pressure on the procedure table I was forced to be removed to RR for treatment. It was partially due to anxiety and partially reaching late owing to jam in traffic on way to Hospital.
Ultimately I was able to secure a date for scheduling the test again on Sep 13, 2023.

As per requirement a dedicated driver had to be allocated and named. Harvinder who usually partners me to Hospital, was a declared support driver to take me back home. Total time consumed from home to Hospital to back home was four hours.

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure used to examine the inside of the colon and rectum. Here are some details about the test:

Colonoscopies are primarily done to screen for colorectal cancer, detect and remove polyps, investigate gastrointestinal symptoms, or monitor certain conditions.

A full gallon of water mixed with Gavitlyte-C (128oz) had to be consumed half in the evening ie 8 oz every 15 minutes and another 5hours before start of the procedure - that is actually a very tough exercise to execute.

Patients typically need to follow a special diet and take laxatives to clear the colon before the procedure. This ensures a clear view of the colon during the test.

During a colonoscopy, a flexible, thin tube with a camera (colonoscope) is inserted through the rectum into the colon. The doctor can view the images on a monitor and guide the scope to examine the entire length of the colon.

Sedation is often used to keep patients comfortable during the procedure. You may be awake but relaxed, or in some cases, fully asleep. I was fully asleep

A colonoscopy usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour. And I got up very fresh being faced by a Registered Nurse.

The doctor Dr Jagrati Mathur looked for polyps, tumors, inflammation, or other abnormalities.  The TN told me later that 10 polyps were found, they were removed during the procedure for biopsy. The results for the same will be known in 10 days.

After the colonoscopy, I was monitored until the sedation weared off. I just experienced some gas and mild discomfort. I was told to resume my normal activities next day morning. I was also forbidden to drive till then.

While colonoscopies are generally safe, there are some risks, including bleeding, perforation of the colon, or adverse reactions to sedation.

My doctor will discuss the findings with me and recommend any necessary follow-up, such as additional tests or surveillance colonoscopies.

I was also told to come back for the test after three years.

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