Monday, September 2, 2024

Jania Joins Scholars Bridge Crossing at UC Merced

UC Merced hosted a vibrant and welcoming event for its new students! The Scholars Bridge Crossing is a unique tradition that marks the beginning of their academic journey at the university. 

Joyce and colorful Scholars Bridge Crossing Ceremony.

The ceremony, full of enthusiasm and support from the entire campus community, underscores the tight-knit and nurturing environment UC Merced offers.

Jania with a matching hair-band seen here taking a selfie.

The event highlighted the university's appeal through its smaller size, strong research focus, and close-knit community, which resonated with students and their families alike. This event likely left a lasting impression on everyone involved, especially those like Jania, who is embarking on her own journey at UC Merced. The atmosphere of support and celebration must have been encouraging as they begin this new chapter.

Photos Curtsey: UC Merced

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