Sunday, September 15, 2024

When My Dad Converts from Sehajdhari to Keshdhari

I believe Hargobind Khurana belonged to a Sikh family and hence name. I also presume he was a class mate of my Dad in Multan as both were in born in the same year. My Dad though being a Sehajdhari, converted to Sikhi farm during Bhuchangi movement of Singh Sabha Lehar. My Dads reorientation from a kid Vas Dev to Sardar Vasdev Singh happened thus in mid 1920s along with 25-30 other kids in our Mohalla Agha pura of Bhai Nand Lal fame. Anand Bir’s Dad was perhaps one among above kids.
The mahants in those days were practicing rites and ritual inconsistent with Sikhism, Including not letting people of “lower caste” into Gurdwaras, publicly smoking, Idol worshipping of various Gods and Goddesses, and holding Shraddhs and other rituals not followed by the Sikh Gurus. This  was the main reason for Singh Sabha Movement.
I may be corrected as I am just exploring my family history and its outcome.

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