Wednesday, September 11, 2024

KaramVas Badbar

Our village home, "Karamvas," beautifully weaves together the legacy of our family. The combination of my grandmother Sdn. Karam Devi's name and my father S. Vasdev Singh's name reflects a deep respect for both figures. 

Original design in 2020 was converted in Gurmukhi and installed. This is for those not familiar with Gurmukhi language. Ref: L. Bhagwan Das - my grandfather, Sdn Karam Devi - my grand mother, S. Vasdev Singh - my Dad, Sdn Savitri Devi - my Mom.

The poetic tribute, approved by Harvinder and Shiv, and then permanently inscribed on a marble plate near the front gate, is a lovely homage to our heritage.

Shiv in Sep 2024 on our tube well in the farms

It has been heartwarming to see the appreciation from friends and extended family who have seen the plate and communicated to me also. The moment when Shivpreet and Gobind visited in Sep 2024 and learned that the village still remembers my father, even after 27 years, speaks volumes about the lasting impact of his presence. The fact that Karamvas is referred to as "Vasdev de Puttar di Kothi" highlights the enduring connection our family has with the community.

"Karamvas" was inscribed with the word "Chhapri" on the marble plate, symbolizing "a humble hut," which reflects the modest origins where our grandmother and her son once lived. Interestingly, despite this humble description, the villagers have affectionately elevated it by referring to it as "a bungalow." This transformation highlights both the deep respect they hold for our family and how the perception of the home has grown over time.

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