Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Annual School District Wide String Festival-2015

Music develops critical thinking skills, improves skills in Reading, Writing and Math. It stimulates thought and action in non-musical areas and develops individual confidence. The study of music develops an overall discipline of mind that  transfers to other subjects. These are the excerpts from the State Music Standards.

Jania, Shilpy and Geet enjoying the live performance of Gobind.

San Ramon Valley Unified District School presented an Annual District wide String Festival in the Gymanassium Hall of Dougherty Valley High School on May 18, 2015.

A Panaromic view of the Gym Hall turned into auditorium.

The hall was packed to its full capacity with parents, family and friends of participating students as seen above. While the string players occupied the wooden floor designed for playing games. On the south side, the Elementary Schools kids were seated including our neighbor Rishika Vaid from Live Oak, the north side was packed with black Jacketed high schoolers. The middle area was flanked by 7th and 8th graders on one side and 6th graders on other side where Gobind Kapoor was seated to play Cello. This was Gobind's second consecutive appearance in the Festival.

Geet backing up the performances with her cute claps.

Grossly involved in Gobind Veer Ji performance.

Geet likes the environmemt and appreciates the live performances.

The flier

In a great Selfie the whole family enjoying the performance.

The program included a Bollywood String too. To our great surprise Ms Patricia Drury introduced Bolywood strings to the festival. Two Indian girl students from the Dougherty Valley High well dressed in white and broad red bordered Sarees danced to the String tunes well arranged by Ms Patricia Drury. The melody was perhaps a South Indian Classical theme. Well done, the festival has matured quickly.

A video of students dancing to the Bollywood String Tunes by High Schoolers.

Here is Gobind Kapoor is seen added in the list of performers. 

The part list of about 600 participants of Orchestra Team from the Elementary to the Middle to the High Schools of San Ramon Valley Unified District Schools

A partial view of the Audiance

Gobind can be seen here, waiting for his turn to play his big strings of Cello.

Majestic Panaromic view from Jania on my left to all the way to Harvinder on my right

You will have make efforts to spot Gobind  among the 6th grader participants. The guys with back to the camera are 7th and 8th graders.

Music Directors of the show

Gobind relaxed after the performance.

The crowds leaving after the show.

It was heartening to see that Music Education is being valued highly by San Ramon Valley Unified School District authorities. They are working hard to guarantee "the right of every child to receive a balanced, comprehensive, sequential music education taught by qualified music teachers" as expected by National Association of Music Education.

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