Thursday, November 16, 2023

Old currency in India

India has had several types of currency over its history, including the rupee, anna, and paise. Earlier currencies like the anna and paise were phased out after decimalization in 1957, replaced by the modern rupee. There were also various princely states that issued their own currencies before India gained independence in 1947. Some of these old currencies have become collectors' items today.

Some of the old coins, I happen to use in my school days

Some more prevalent coins in colonial/post colonial  times 

One Rupee Silver coin was in use even 1960s

I remember to have used paisa, Taka, Aana, Doanni, choanni, Athani. The paisa was of two types one with a hole and other a little bigger round one. Taka was square always in brass, Aana round with curves and of bronze and Doanni again square like Taka in brass bit bigger in size, Choanni round in buckle smaller, Athani bigger and round in nickle, a Rupee was still bigger in nickle.

It's fascinating to note my experiences with these old Indian coins! Each of these coins had its unique characteristics, shapes, and materials, making them distinct and easily identifiable. The various denominations and materials used in these coins reflect the diverse historical and cultural aspects of India. These descriptions bring back a lot of memories for those who used these coins daily.

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