Monday, June 24, 2024

Jania Colorful Self-Portrait of Love

A painting by Jania in Summer Vacations 2011

Jania, a vibrant and imaginative five-year-old, creates a colorful self-portrait that captures the essence of her lively spirit. Using a rich palette of crayons and markers, she brings to life her big, bright eyes, a wide, joyful smile, and her playful, flowing hair. She paints her hair blonde here - an answer to her frequent asked question why her hair were not like many of the girls around her. Each stroke of color is applied with care and enthusiasm, reflecting her boundless creativity.

In deep thinking

In the background of her self-portrait, Jania includes heartwarming elements that highlight her deep love for her family. She highlights her grandparents and her Mama/Papa and places her portrait in the middle.

Creative and fashionable

However, Jania is proud of her ethnic look and enhances her hair by adding colorful silken threadings known as ‘Parandi’, giving herself a typical proud Punjabi appearance. 

Jania's drawing is more than just a self-portrait; it's a visual expression of her affection and admiration for the special people in her life. Through her artwork, Jania beautifully communicates the joy and warmth that her family provides, making her self-portrait a heartfelt tribute to those she holds dear.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Keeping Earth healthy and global warming

Jania can start by practicing the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. She can learn to recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metals, and encourage reusing items instead of throwing them away. To save energy, she should remember to turn off lights, TV, and other electronics when not in use and help unplug chargers when they are not needed. Conserving water is also important, so she can take short showers, turn off the tap while brushing her teeth, and use a bucket instead of a hose to water plants. Planting trees and plants is another great way to help the environment, as trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Jania can plant a tree in her backyard or participate in community planting events. Walking, biking, or carpooling to nearby places instead of using a car can also reduce her carbon footprint.

Jania can engage in creative projects such as making crafts with recycled materials like old bottles, cans, and cardboard. This teaches creativity and the value of reusing items. She can make environmental posters about recycling, saving water, or planting trees to raise awareness at school or in the community. Starting a small garden at home is another great project, helping her learn about plants and the importance of growing food locally.

By taking these actions, Jania can make a big difference and inspire others to do the same. Every little step helps in the fight against global warming and in keeping our planet healthy!

Summary writing of a book by Jania 7

Encouraging children to write summaries of the books they read is a fantastic way to enhance their understanding and develop their skills in multiple areas. 

Encouraging children to write summaries of the books they read is a fantastic way to enhance their understanding and develop their skills in multiple areas. 

Jania with her family in 2013

When children write summaries, they are required to think critically about the content:

 Completing a summary gives a sense of achievement and can motivate the child to read more.


Encouraging children to write summaries of the books they read is a multifaceted educational activity that promotes reading comprehension, critical thinking, writing skills, and a love for literature. For a child like Jania, who just assed 2nd grade, this practice not only enriches her summer vacation but also lays a strong foundation for academic and personal growth.

A Heartwarming Father’s Day with My Granddaughters

The pattern of cherries matched heart shape really made me cry with tears full of emotional happiness.

On Father's Day 2024, I experienced a heartfelt and memorable morning when my beautiful granddaughters, Jania and Geet, served me breakfast in bed. It was a touching gesture that filled my heart with immense joy and pride. Geet, with her tiny hands, meticulously peeled and cut the fruits, surprising me with her dedication and precision. The breakfast they prepared included a delightful assortment of Raspberries, Bananas, Cherries and peaches, alongside a bowl of cereal accompanied by my favorite non fat cup of milk.

Imaginative Gift

Adding to the joy, Geet also brought me a self-crafted keychain hook adorned with multicolor beads. This beautiful creation was intercepted by nine different charms, each representing a member of our family including Tweety the parrot and Bhaloo the dog. Her creative idea and the effort she put into making it left me in awe. My hat’s off to her for such a wonderful and imaginative gift.

This thoughtful act, performed with such care and affection, deeply moved me and made the day exceptionally special. Their loving gesture was not just about the breakfast itself, but about the warmth and effort they put into making me feel cherished.

I am profoundly grateful for my granddaughters and wish them a long, healthy, prosperous, and contented life. I pray that they grow up to serve humanity with honesty and hard work, carrying forward the values of compassion and diligence. Their kindness and dedication today are a testament to the bright and beautiful future I envision for them.

Geet First visit to Gurdwara Sahib

Geet was born on June 4th, 2014, and our family decided to seek the blessings of Waheguru by taking her to the Gurdwara Sahib on Sunday the Fathers Day June 15th.

Geet’s First Day in Gurdwara Sahib

We felt incredibly grateful to God for bestowing upon us this precious gem. The entire family was ecstatic about this beautiful new addition to our lives, akin to a delightful new toy.

In our Ardaas, we prayed earnestly to Waheguru ji, asking for a long, healthy, and prosperous life for Geet. We hoped that she would bring immense fortune, not just to support our family, but also to contribute to the well-being of humanity. 

Geet Growing Up

Our prayers were filled with wishes for her to grow up with the ability and desire to help others, embodying the true spirit of service and compassion.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

My cricket best score

Warming up before a match near my hostel room in Chandigarh 

I recall this moment in 1963 when I was warming up near my hostel room in Chandigarh. I had a craze for playing cricket and was a top-order batsman, generally opening the innings for my college. During an inter-college tournament, we traveled to Sundar Nagar to play our last match in the league. At that time, I was out of form, and the team management decided to lower my position in the batting order.

As luck would have it, there was a sudden collapse in the higher order, and wickets tumbled quickly. I was sent in as the fourth down batsman, feeling angry about being demoted and determined to prove my worth. I began pulling out of the crease and hitting the bowlers all around, earning huge applause from my team in this distant city. I scored 43 not out and was instrumental in securing the victory for our college team.

By the time we reached our hostels, word had spread about our victory. That was the last game of the season, and I felt so good.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dhun Anand Celebrates World Ocean Day with Eco-Art Workshop at Crissy Beach

Dhun Anand Celebrates 3rd Annual World Ocean Day with Workshop at Crissy Beach

On the occasion of the 3rd Annual World Ocean Day, Dhun Anand (USA) organized a special workshop at Crissy Beach, located off the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. This event was generously sponsored by Bay Area's major software company, Workday. The gathering saw enthusiastic participation from Workday employees, their families, and other members of the community. The Golden Gate Bridge provided a picturesque backdrop for the event.

Event Overview

Dr Zach Pine

The highlight of the event was a workshop led by Dr. Zach Pine, a well-known environmental artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Pine is renowned for his public art installations and sculptures that utilize natural materials. His approach to art is deeply rooted in environmental consciousness, ensuring that his projects have minimal impact on the surroundings. His work often involves community participation, aiming to foster a deeper connection between people and nature.

Activities and Participation

Shiv Kapoor

Kids participating in Story telling on Ocean

The windy day at Crissy Beach was filled with a series of engaging activities, primarily focusing on creating art using natural materials like stones, sticks, and leaves. Dr. Pine guided the participants through various creative exercises such as Constructing with Nature and Rock Balancing. 

Story telling by Jania Kapoor

These activities are designed to be temporary installations, promoting an appreciation for the fleeting beauty of nature and the importance of environmental stewardship.

Participants, including both adults and children, were encouraged to use only materials collected from clearing paths or restoring trails. This practice not only ensures minimal environmental impact but also educates participants on the significance of using sustainable resources.


Shiv Kapoor, the founding head of the nonprofit Dhun Anand Foundation, expressed his gratitude towards Dr. Zach Pine for his invaluable contribution to the workshop. He also thanked all the participants, especially the children, for their enthusiasm and active involvement in the activities. Kapoor highlighted the importance of such events in raising awareness about environmental conservation and fostering a sense of community through creative and sustainable practices.


The workshop at Crissy Beach was a successful celebration of World Ocean Day, bringing together community members to engage in meaningful, environmentally-friendly activities. Sponsored by Workday and spearheaded by Dhun Anand (USA), the event underscored the importance of protecting our oceans and natural landscapes through collaborative, creative efforts. 

With the guidance of Dr. Zach Pine, participants left with a renewed appreciation for nature and a commitment to preserving it for future generations.

Friday, June 7, 2024

My Unexpected Stardom with Air Canada

Air Canada poster. The ad ran every 15 minutes for months. All friends and relatives in Canada were excited. When Mrs. RB Sharma (Indra Sharma) came to visit us in 1994, she witnessed an exciting event when I was randomly selected by a photographer. The photographer, a spotter, took several films of me, making me feel like a celebrity for a few minutes. Enjoy:

The above Ads were also displayed in the AIR CANADA Magzines found in their Aeroplanes

This is the picture by Indra Sharma when we took her to Marina Beach in San Francisco. It was there that this spotter photographer spontaneously snapped dozens of shots of me, using film after film. The spotter informed me that a renowned Hollywood director wanted to create a video ad for his esteemed client, Air Canada. Four to five spotters were dispatched to various public places, including New York, Miami, and Chicago, to find ordinary people of diverse ethnicities for participation in the ad.

I asked the photographer about the payment for participation, and his answer was unbelievable: a handsome payment of $500 per person. This shocked Mrs. Indra Sharma, as she saw me transform from a typical bureaucrat into a businessman so quickly.

Finally, I was selected, and I also involved my brother-in-law Baggi and his family, who each made $500 as well.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Welcoming Geet: A Decade of Joy and Love

Ten years ago, a joyful event transformed our lives forever. Our granddaughter, Geet, was born, bringing immense happiness and love into our family. 

The moment our son Shiv shared the news of Geet's arrival over the phone with Gobind, the atmosphere was electric with excitement. 

Those of us who were eagerly waiting for updates couldn't contain our joy, while Gobind and Jania erupted into spontaneous dancing, celebrating the precious addition to our family.

Baba ji Parsad

Shiv described the newborn as a beautiful angel, a sentiment that was wholeheartedly confirmed when we finally saw Geet ourselves. Her radiant presence and innocent charm captivated us instantly. It was a moment of pure bliss as we welcomed Geet into our lives and our hearts.

The birth of Geet marked a significant milestone for our family, filling our home with newfound warmth and love. 

As we reflect on the past decade, we cherish the memories of that special day and the boundless joy that Geet has brought into our lives. Welcome, dear Geet, to our family.