Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dhun Anand Celebrates World Ocean Day with Eco-Art Workshop at Crissy Beach

Dhun Anand Celebrates 3rd Annual World Ocean Day with Workshop at Crissy Beach

On the occasion of the 3rd Annual World Ocean Day, Dhun Anand (USA) organized a special workshop at Crissy Beach, located off the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. This event was generously sponsored by Bay Area's major software company, Workday. The gathering saw enthusiastic participation from Workday employees, their families, and other members of the community. The Golden Gate Bridge provided a picturesque backdrop for the event.

Event Overview

Dr Zach Pine

The highlight of the event was a workshop led by Dr. Zach Pine, a well-known environmental artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Pine is renowned for his public art installations and sculptures that utilize natural materials. His approach to art is deeply rooted in environmental consciousness, ensuring that his projects have minimal impact on the surroundings. His work often involves community participation, aiming to foster a deeper connection between people and nature.

Activities and Participation

Shiv Kapoor

Kids participating in Story telling on Ocean

The windy day at Crissy Beach was filled with a series of engaging activities, primarily focusing on creating art using natural materials like stones, sticks, and leaves. Dr. Pine guided the participants through various creative exercises such as Constructing with Nature and Rock Balancing. 

Story telling by Jania Kapoor

These activities are designed to be temporary installations, promoting an appreciation for the fleeting beauty of nature and the importance of environmental stewardship.

Participants, including both adults and children, were encouraged to use only materials collected from clearing paths or restoring trails. This practice not only ensures minimal environmental impact but also educates participants on the significance of using sustainable resources.


Shiv Kapoor, the founding head of the nonprofit Dhun Anand Foundation, expressed his gratitude towards Dr. Zach Pine for his invaluable contribution to the workshop. He also thanked all the participants, especially the children, for their enthusiasm and active involvement in the activities. Kapoor highlighted the importance of such events in raising awareness about environmental conservation and fostering a sense of community through creative and sustainable practices.


The workshop at Crissy Beach was a successful celebration of World Ocean Day, bringing together community members to engage in meaningful, environmentally-friendly activities. Sponsored by Workday and spearheaded by Dhun Anand (USA), the event underscored the importance of protecting our oceans and natural landscapes through collaborative, creative efforts. 

With the guidance of Dr. Zach Pine, participants left with a renewed appreciation for nature and a commitment to preserving it for future generations.

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