Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Welcoming Geet: A Decade of Joy and Love

Ten years ago, a joyful event transformed our lives forever. Our granddaughter, Geet, was born, bringing immense happiness and love into our family. 

The moment our son Shiv shared the news of Geet's arrival over the phone with Gobind, the atmosphere was electric with excitement. 

Those of us who were eagerly waiting for updates couldn't contain our joy, while Gobind and Jania erupted into spontaneous dancing, celebrating the precious addition to our family.

Baba ji Parsad

Shiv described the newborn as a beautiful angel, a sentiment that was wholeheartedly confirmed when we finally saw Geet ourselves. Her radiant presence and innocent charm captivated us instantly. It was a moment of pure bliss as we welcomed Geet into our lives and our hearts.

The birth of Geet marked a significant milestone for our family, filling our home with newfound warmth and love. 

As we reflect on the past decade, we cherish the memories of that special day and the boundless joy that Geet has brought into our lives. Welcome, dear Geet, to our family.

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