Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A love letter to My Grandson Gobind

Dear Gobind,

My illustrious grandson,

Your dedication and hardworking qualities have always set you apart, and I know that soon, you will be distinguished by these virtues. As you continue on your journey, remember that meditation can be a powerful tool to keep you cool and calm. It will help you maintain clarity and composure, ensuring that you can hold your head high above your competitors.

Being 3000 miles away on the other coast, immersed in your internship, must be both exciting and challenging. Know that my thoughts and love are with you always. Stay true to your values, and let your inner strength guide you through every obstacle.

Stay blessed and keep shining.

With all my love,
Sardar Preet Mohan Singh
Dada ji


“OK, Dada ji. What if instead of meditating I coded? Then I will be even higher.”


Grandma Harvinder reacts:

Dear Gobind,

Work is indeed worship, my dear, but for inner peace, meditation is the tool.

Grandma Harvinder

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