Wednesday, June 26, 2024

My Father’s Guiding Wisdom on Alcohol

With my Dad on the shore of Vasco da Gama, Goa in 1986

As I started my job in Delhi in 1965, I found myself leaving my hometown, Panipat, which is 50 miles to the north. Initially, I planned to return to Panipat every weekend. As time passed, I started spending weekends while sharing the room of my Nani ji. This gave me ample time to mingle with my extended family on my mother’s side. However, with these changes, being away from my parents, some adjustments were bound to happen. 

Taste of Beer

One of my cousins suggested that I start drinking cold beer during the hot weather, arguing that it wasn't hard liquor but merely fermented barley water.

Just out of College 

 Being 21 years old, his argument made sense to me. We bought a bottle of beer and sat on a bench in the Lodhi Gardens to consume it. The taste wasn't great, but the chillness brought a thrill to my body and gave me a taste of pleasure.

My Fathers Advice

I was worried about having consumed beer without my dad's permission. He had refrained from non-vegetarian food and liquor all his life, and it was taboo even to talk about liquor in our family. The following week, during my visit to Panipat, I reluctantly asked my dad for permission to drink beer, presenting it as merely barley water. My dad Sardar Vasdev Singh was not offended but remarked that while beer might not be bad in itself, it could lead to an addiction to alcohol from which one cannot easily return to normal life.

His advice was enough for me to refrain from alcohol for a lifetime.

New Reports on Liquor consumption in Media

Today, in the Good Morning show, a study was discussed which showed that even consuming one drink of alcohol a day can lead to cancer. Here is the report:

"Consuming alcoholic beverages, even in moderation, may increase your risk of developing certain cancers," according to a new statement released by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). 

"People typically don't associate drinking beer, wine, and hard liquor with increasing their risk of developing cancer in their lifetimes," said Dr. Bruce Johnson, president of ASCO, an organization of cancer doctors. He added, "The link between increased alcohol consumption and cancer has been firmly established." Dr. Johnson expressed hope that this knowledge would empower doctors to help their patients reduce their cancer risk.


As I reflect on my journey, my dad’s firm advice has been the guiding light for me. His words about the potential dangers of alcohol resonated deeply and kept me on a path of discipline and health. By heeding his wisdom, I avoided the pitfalls of addiction and maintained a clear focus on my goals. 

Today, as I read about the serious health risks associated with even moderate alcohol consumption, I am grateful for the principles my dad instilled in me. His advice laid the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life, steering me away from harmful habits and towards a brighter future.

May my father Sardar Vasdev Singh continue his abode in Heaven under the lotus feet of Almighty!

Reaction from our son Shiv:

Shiv adds, "Another connection is that President Bush didn’t drink, while Manmohan Singh did. On one of their trips, Dadaji's wisdom seemed to align more with the American President than the Indian Premier."

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