Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Harvi ‘s Home Garden

Vegetables as picked in July 2017

Harvi’s Home Garden Produce:

Harvinder inherits the hobby from her Dad who has been doing in Rawalpindi, Multan and in India. In Jangpura, New Delhi, she had so many plants on our terrace and front gallery.

We have about 25 fruit plants in our back yard. Using the California weather, we also produce mouthwatering delicious fruits. Our Aprocots and peaches top them all.

Home gardens offer numerous advantages, such as:

1. Fresh and Nutritious Produce: Homegrown fruits, vegetables, and herbs are often more nutritious and flavorful since they are picked at their peak ripeness.

2. Cost Savings: Growing your own produce can save money on grocery bills, especially for items that are expensive or not readily available in stores.

3. Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly: Home gardens promote sustainable practices by reducing the need for transportation and packaging associated with store-bought produce.

4. Organic and Pesticide-Free Options: You have control over the use of pesticides and can opt for organic methods, ensuring healthier and chemical-free produce.

5. Therapeutic Benefits: Gardening can be a relaxing and stress-relieving hobby, promoting mental well-being and connecting you with nature.

6. Education and Skill Development: Home gardening offers learning opportunities for both adults and children, teaching valuable gardening and life skills.

7. Enhancing Aesthetics: Gardens beautify your home and surroundings, increasing curb appeal and creating a pleasing environment.

Both Jania and Geet enjoy fresh strawberries 

Harvinder not only does her gardening but also passes on the art of gardening to her grandkids. Geet takes special interests in take care of the plants of her own and cherishes to consume their fruits.

Growing Geet is seen here surrounded by Fuchsia, Hydrangea flowers in pots and Ivy creepers. As the creepers climb by aerial roots with adhering disks that develop on the stems. The ivy creeper leaves make a scintillating crown on Geet’s head. 
Ivy creeper (Hedera helix) is a remarkable plant known for its ability to elegantly cascade and hang like a crown on various structures and surfaces. As it grows, its trailing stems with vibrant green leaves gracefully drape over walls, fences, trees, and even buildings, creating a beautiful and enchanting effect.

As for uses, the produce from home gardens can be consumed fresh, preserved through canning or freezing, or used in various culinary dishes to enhance flavors and nutritional value. Additionally, surplus produce can be shared with friends, family, or local community members, promoting a sense of community and reducing food waste.

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