Friday, July 21, 2023

Loosing Beared Thread causes Frustration

In the city of New Delhi the quaintest in India, there lived a wise and devoted Sikh named Amardeep Singh. He was well-respected in the community for his unwavering faith and commitment to his traditions, especially his long and proud beard. Every morning, as the first rays of sunlight touched the horizon, Amardeep would start his day with a shower, cleansing himself before he began his spiritual rituals.

Flowing beard ready for getting tucked into a thick cotton thread tied around the face.

After his refreshing shower, he would gently pat his beard dry and proceed to the most important part of his morning routine—the beard tying ceremony. With practiced hands, he would take a thick cotton thread and skillfully wrap it around his face, neatly securing his beard in a typical way that he had been following for over six decades. This ritual had become a sacred act for him, connecting him to his Sikh heritage and spirituality.

The thread is visible!

Once the thread was in place, Amardeep would reach for his cherished hair fixer Simco and a hairbrush. He would carefully apply the fixer, ensuring that every strand of his beard was set in place. 

Dad who taught the method and style

As he went about this ritual, he would affectionately reminisce about the days when he first started this practice. It was his father who had taught him the traditional way of tying the beard, and since then, he had faithfully followed it as a mark of respect and devotion.

However, one fateful morning, as Amardeep completed his shower and proceeded to begin his beard tying routine, he couldn't find his precious cotton thread. He searched high and low—under the nightstand, beneath the bed, and even in the corners of his room. The thread seemed to have vanished into thin air, leaving him anxious about the fixer on his beard early drying up without being proper and desired setting.

With a sinking feeling, Amardeep recalled that his son often helped him tidy up and was known for taking away his grooming items. This time, he was sure his son had taken the thread too. Frustration grew, and Amardeep was on the verge of calling out for help to search for the missing thread.

As he stood in front of the mirror, contemplating his next move, he noticed something peculiar. To his amazement, the cotton thread was already in place around his face, ready for securing his beard in its customary way. Amardeep's face lit up with a mix of relief and amusement. 

With a smile on his face, Amardeep thanked the divine for the miraculous turn of events. He learned a valuable lesson that day—that dedication and consistency in one's beliefs could lead to profound connections between the mind, body, and soul.

And so, Amardeep continued his spiritual journey, inspiring others with his unwavering devotion and the tale of the mysterious disappearing thread. Amardeep does not term it as a typical case of forgetfulness due to old age.

Amardeep is no other but me.

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