Thursday, August 24, 2023

Home Kirtan Aug 2013

Celebrating auspicious occasions with a Kirtan at home is a joyous and spiritually uplifting event. Kirtan involves devotional singing accompanied by musical instruments. It's a way to connect with your spiritual beliefs and share positive energy with your friends and family.

When hosting a Kirtan, you can create a serene and inviting atmosphere in your home by arranging comfortable seating and setting up an altar with deity images or symbols. Invite friends and family members who share your spiritual inclinations and are enthusiastic about participating in the Kirtan.

After the Kirtan, a Langar can bring everyone together to enjoy delicious food and continue the sense of community. We made sure to offer a variety of dishes that catered to different dietary preferences. This gives your guests an opportunity to socialize, share stories, and bond over the experience.

Haziri Raagi Jatha of Darbar Sahib Amritsar, Bhai Tajvinder Singh was specially invited to render Gurbani Shabad.

Shivpreet as usual was an attraction as being a celebrated Gurbani singer around the globe. Gobind joined hands on his birth month to thank Waheguru ji for His blessings.

Gobind turn to render Guru Shabad.

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