Thursday, August 24, 2023

My Proud Moment Aug 2013

My Proud moment! when I joined my grand kids G&J along with Shiv for 'Kirtan' performance.


It's incredible to witness the journey of Shiv as he has reached unparalleled heights in both the realm of music and academics. His determination and dedication led him to receive training from the renowned Guru Pt Raghunath Prasanna, as well as lessons from Gurdwara Raagis. Through sheer hard work and passion, he managed to excel in both fields.

Shiv's efforts have been nothing short of remarkable. It's particularly heartening to see his children, Gobind and Jania, embracing their father's legacy and joining him in Kirtan performances. This continuation of the tradition not only reflects the family's deep-rooted connection to music and spirituality but also highlights Shiv's exceptional ability to pass down his expertise to the next generation.

The dedication and love for Kirtan that Shiv has instilled in Gobind and Jania are a testament to his role as both a parent and a mentor. As they embark on their own musical journeys through Piano and cello, guided by their father's teachings, it's a heartwarming reminder of the power of tradition and the joy of sharing something so meaningful within a family. 

I am so proud and thrilled in witnessing this unfolding legacy are entirely warranted. The bonds thus formed through music & Spirituality through this shared passion are indeed a reason for great celebration.

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