Wednesday, August 30, 2023

When Lion gets Old

No matter its lifespan, the Greatest Lion eventually meets a miserable end. At its peak, it dominates, hunts, devours, leaving hyenas the scraps. But age catches up. The old Lion grows feeble, a prey itself. Cornered, it's consumed by hyenas, its power fleeting. Life's short, power fades. As with lions, so with people. We all face vulnerability. Thus, humility matters. Aid the weak, sick, vulnerable. Remember, we exit the stage someday.


When age catches up,  the old Lion can't hunt, can't kill or defend itself. It roams and roars until it runs out of luck. It will be cornered by the hyenas, nibbled at and eaten alive by them. They won't even let it die before it is dismembered.

Life is short. Power is ephemeral. Physical beauty is short-lived, I have seen it in lions. I have seen it in old people. Everyone who lives long enough will become weak and very vulnerable at some point.
Therefore, let us be humble. Help the sick, the weak, the vulnerable and most importantly never forget that we will leave the stage one day

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