Saturday, July 15, 2023

When Geet Sketches Her Family

It's truly heartwarming to see the sketches created by our little angel granddaughter Geet. Geet artistically tells the story of our family. Art has a unique way of capturing emotions, and it's evident that her talent goes beyond just the technical aspects of drawing. Through her artwork drawn here neatly, she not only showcases her artistic skills but also conveys her deep emotional love for her grandparents, parents, and siblings. At age 6, she can hardly spell the words correctly but her sketching and observations match meaningful.

A Selfie

My Mom with a carrot and a rod

My Dad always singing

My Sister guards attentively

My Brother always teaching

My Grandmom with long hair dancing

Grandpa ever Jovial 

These sketches serve as beautiful visual expressions of the bond and affection she shares with her family members. They are a testament to the power of art to convey love and emotions in a heartfelt and touching manner.

Tweety the Parrot loves his home

Her Dog Simba

That's absolutely wonderful! It's impressive to note that our little angel granddaughter not only sketched her family members but also painted her pets—a parrot Tewwety and a dog Simba. Pets often hold a special place in our hearts, and it's delightful to see her extending her artistic talent to capture their presence as well. By painting her pets, she not only showcases her artistic abilities but also highlights the affection and connection she feels towards these beloved companions. These paintings must be a true reflection of her love for animals and her ability to bring them to life through art.

Baba ji the Guru

The Ball is love for Universe 

In addition to her sketches of family members and pets, our little angel granddaughter Geet also sketched Baba Ji the Guru and a ball that represents universal brotherhood love. The ball serves as a symbol of unity and togetherness, transcending boundaries and encompassing love that knows no limits. Through this sketch, she expresses the idea that love can connect us all, regardless of our backgrounds, cultures, or differences. The ball becomes a visual representation of the power of love taught by our Guru to bring people together and create a sense of harmony and compassion in the world. 

Her artistic portrayal of this concept is both inspiring and thought-provoking, showcasing her talent for capturing complex emotions and ideas through her artwork.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super Cute 🥰